Many hearts were shattered when Bernard left us after a short, but brave fight against cancer. He was a very loved husband, father, brother, grandad, uncle and friend.
Bernard has left to grieve his passing, his loving wife Sara, daughters Michelle and Jody Sillence. His siblings Geoffrey (Elizabeth) Sillence and sister Rosemarie Hayday. His grandson Garrison and step family, Sloane and Mitch Wegmann and their three children Leighton, Calvin & Marshall. This is along with other family members and friends across Canada, USA and England who will miss him dearly.
Born in London February 15, 1944 on the Isle of Dogs, Bernard grew up as a proud Cockney. In 1974, his first wife, Amparin and young Michelle emigrated to Canada, completing the Sillence family emigration journey. He was a Master carpenter and excelled for many years in his trade. He retired his hammer in the early 2000’s and started working for Finning in Edmonton. This position took him to Red Deer where he worked for a few years before resettling in Edmonton when he married Sara in 2013.
He was an avid motorcycle rider, loving the open road, the speed and freedom it gave him. He belonged to the BMW Black Gold Beemers where he gained many wonderful longtime friends. He was planning on buying the newest 2025 model of his favourite bike before his passing. We will miss his sense of humour, his laughter and the things only Bernard would say. Rest easy and ride high in the sky Bern.
Predeceased by his parents Ellen (2014) and Bert Sillence (2005) and much loved Brother in law, Frank Hayday (2011) and his step son, Chris Hunter (1999).
A CELEBRATION OF LIFE for Bernard will be at the Derrick Golf & Winter Club, 3500 119 St NW Edmonton, on Saturday, August 10th at 12 noon – 4pm. Please join us to share memories and to remember the wonderful man that Bernie was to so many. Snacks & refreshments will be provided.
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