The family of Gerhard Leopold must sadly announce his passing on February 19, 2023, a few months short of his 70th birthday,
following a long and challenging health journey that Gerhard was continuously determined to overcome. Although a lifelong non-smoker, after a 10 year journey of worsening lung disease, Gerhard received a double lung transplant in August 2021. While his new lungs worked well, he had a complicated recovery with multiple infections and surgeries. After contracting COVID 19 at the end of 2022, his lungs deteriorated with several
infections leading eventually to lung failure.
Gerhard had an assortment of interests and hobbies that he was known for by friends and family, especially when he was physically able to pursue them during these last few years. Gerhard had lived in various parts of the world during his life: Austria as a small child, Montreal as an older child and young man, and then, upon completing his studies, Calgary & Edmonton during his career and recent retirement. He enjoyed travels to
various parts of Canada, the U.S., Europe as well as India and Israel more recently.
Gerhard leaves behind his loving wife Eileen and her daughter Leela Rasa, who Gerhard absolutely loved as if his own. Their love for him will only grow stronger with his absence.
Gerhard will also be dearly missed by his mother Emilie Leopold, his brother & sister-in-law Chris Leopold & Cindie Tam, all from Edmonton, Alberta. His father-in-law, John Galiger and Eileen’s siblings & their families, Ann O’Reilly, Catherine Brennen, Jeanne Barr, John Galiger, Jim Galiger, and Gerry Galiger, all from the U.S. will also miss him.
Other special relatives that also survive him include his aunt Henriette Bartl of Bowmanville, Ontario, and his aunt Magdalene Schreiner of Burgenland, Austria, as well as his cousins and their families.
Gerhard is predeceased by his father Paul Leopold, his uncle Arnold Bartl, his uncle Alfred Schreiner and his mother-in-law Catherine Galiger.
Eileen extends her heartfelt thanks to the medical teams that worked diligently over the last 2 years to improve his quality of life, in particular the following: The amazing University of Alberta Hospital Lung Transplant Team, and Inpatient Transplant Unit 3G2.
A private gathering for the immediate family will be held shortly. Per Gerhard’s wishes, upon his cremation, his ashes will be spread across various parts of the world that were close to his heart.
Donations can be made in Gerhard’s name to the following organizations: The University Hospital Foundation Lung Transplant Program or the Alberta Lung Breathing Space.
I worked w/ Gerhard 1982-1986 Enjoyed his humour.
Whereupon He said he had destroyed all of the coffee cups from his non_profitibal employer. I had gifted Gerhard a wonderful cup with hot air balloons. When we were both laid off during the Oil depression he informed me of the destruction.
Stressed as I was at this destruction, I ceased to communicate.
Now it’s too late to express that he is my friend
I have always been touched by the candid greetings of both Gerhard and Eileen. I had one opportunity for a visit over coffee with the two of them. Even though we talked a lot about their India trip, we had a most enjoyable chitchat. May Gerhard be in eternal peace.
On behalf of Alberta Lung and the PF Support Group, please accept our sincerest condolences on the loss of Gerhard. He was a valued member of the support group and we are grateful for the privilege of knowing him. Yours in health,
Jamie Happy
Health Promotions
Alberta Lung
It is hard to find appropriate words . The loss of a dear person is something very personal. Memories remain and become less painful as time passes by. Small things that happened in daily life often lead to a smile.
Our deepest sympathy to all
Elisabeth, Karl and Family
Gerhard was always a light whenever I was lucky enough to be in his presence. He always made you feel full of life and was always a pleasure to be around. He showed me that it’s possible to be positive despite having constant setbacks with his medical issues. Was wonderful to video talk to him during my Grandpa’s birthday dinner, when Eileen was down in Florida. His family, Eileen, and Leela are in my thoughts as they navigate this difficult time. We will miss you Gerhard, and we are all better for having known you.
My thoughts are with Gerhard’s family and friends. From my student days, I remember a kind man, keen listener, eager to learn from whoever he met on his path.
My deepest condolences to Gerhard’s family, I can only echo what our other McGill classmates have already said, and add that he was a straight-up honest and genuine guy. God bless.
So sorry to hear about Gerhard’s passing. He fought hard for such a long time, and he was such a sweet person. Eileen and Leela were blessed to have him in their lives. My condolences to all those who loved him.
To All the family…
Gerhard was a loving, caring, and very special person. I loved his sense of humor and his willingness to accept whatever was put before him. He was a trooper and never gave up! His body did but not him! Eileen and Gerhard were perfect together. The deep love and connection they shared was seen by all. Our hearts are sad because we will miss him very much. But we will carry a piece of him with us in our hearts forever. Much love to you all and BIG HUGS!
Jeanne (Eileen’s sister)
Liebe Familie,
es gibt Menschen, neben denen fühlt man Frieden & Liebe. Gerhard war für mich dieser Mensch.
Ich fühle eine herzliche Verbundenheit mit Euch & diese Trauer über Gerhard liegt auch auf meiner Seite. Gerne hätte ich ihn noch einmal gesehen.
Gerhard wird mir immer in bester Erinnerung bleiben. Das wünsche ich Euch auch.
*Spread Love*
Es tut mir sehr leid um den schweren Verlust, um deinen Sohn Tante Milli, deinen Bruder lieber Chris, deinen Mann liebe Eileen, deinen Schwager liebe Cindie.
Bin in Eurer Tauer im Gedanken bei Euch. Wir denken und sprechen über Euch, in unseren Herzen haben wir Platz füreineander. Ein Familie, eine Verbindung. Beate
Gerhard was a gracious loving man. He will be very much missed. He fought long and hard for life, especially to share it with the love of his life, Eileen, his wife.
Liebe Cindie,
lieber Chris,
liebe Tante Mili,
Es hat mich sehr traurig gemacht zu hören, dass Gerhard von uns gegangen ist und trotz größter Anstrengungen viel zu früh aus seinem Familienband gerissen wurde.
Auf der anderen Seite bin ich ihm aber sehr dankbar dafür, dass er keine Risiken und Mühen gescheut hat um uns vor ein paar Jahren im Burgenland zu besuchen und ich ihn so persönlich ein wenig besser kennenlernen konnte.
Er war offensichtlich ein Kämpfer und Familie hat für ihn eine große Rolle gespielt. In diesem Hinblick möchte ich ihn mir als Vorbild nehmen und auch so in Erinnerung behalten.
Mein herzliches Beileid für euren schweren Verlust.
Chris & Cindie and the Leopold family.
Sorry for the loss to your family of Gerhard. No matter how much time we have with our loved ones it is never enough. Thoughts and prayers for you all.
Chris, Cindy und Militante,
es tut uns sehr leid von eurem Verlust zu hören unser aufrichtiges Beileid an euch und Militante.
In der Dunkelheit der Trauer leuchten die Sterne der Erinnerung.
We send our deepest condolences to Gerhard’s family and friends. You are in our thoughts, and our hearts go out to you during this difficult time. May Gerhard rest in peace.
Dear Chris, Cindie and the Leopold Family, Sorry to hear the loss of Chris’ brother Gerhard. Our deepest Sympathy to you! We never met Gerhard, but we’ve learned that he
was an amazing person likes Chris who always loves his family as well. May his soul rest in peace!
Kwanchee and Diana
Debra and I send our condolences to Gerhard’s family. Rest in peace.
Our family has known Gerhard and family for some 65 + years. We have so many memories of Gerhard from his youth to today. Our memories will be cherished forever.
Vivian and I are so saddened to hear of his passing.
We extend our deepest sympathies to wife Eileen and daughter, Leela, his Mom, Emelie, his brother and sister-in-law, Christopher and Cindie.
Our thoughts are with you all, during this difficult time.
Vivian and Bryan Allen.
Wir sind sehr traurig über diese Nachricht. Wir möchten unser aufrichtiges Beileid aussprechen.
We are sorry for the lost of your brother. He seems to be a very courageous man. Deepest sympathies for all your family and your wife.
To Emilie, Chris and Cindie,
Please accept our sincere condolences.
Milli Tante, Eileen, Chris und Cindie,
wir sind traurig, dass wir die Nachricht hören mußten, dass Gerhard nicht mehr am Leben ist. Wir sind so viele Kilometer und Stunden entfernt, aber mit unseren Gedanken sind wir euch in diesen Tagen sehr nahe. Wir wünschen euch allen viel
Kraft euren Verlust zu überwinden. Die Erinnerungen an die schönen und fröhlichen Stunden mit Gerhard sollen stärker sein, als eure Traurigkeit. In Herzen
wird Gerhard immer bei euch sein.
It is with great sadness that I have learned of the passing of Gerhard. I have found memories of our time at McGill and, in particular, of our 5 weeks trip to Europe upon graduation. The two weeks I spent with him at his grand-mother house in Rust, Austria will remain the highlight of that trip.
Gerhard used his hands a lot when he talked. If I close my eyes and think about him I see him tell a joke (not always good) with his hands moving all over the place.
We think of you in these days of sorrow, still reassured that Gerhard long fight is over.
Take care.
Our thoughts and condolences Eileen and to all of Gerhard’s family, extended family and friends. Gerhard was amazing – strong and brave throughout his health struggles, that we can only imagine. He leaves behind so many positive memories and he will have a special place in our memories always.
Chris and Cindie,
Our sincere condolences to you both and your family. May he rest in peace.
Chris, Cindie and family:
We are so sorry to hear about the passing of your brother Gerhard. Please accept our heartfelt condolences at this time and please do not hesitate to let us know if there is anything we can do for you at this difficult time.
I am sincerely sorry for your loss.
My deepest condolences to you and all the family. Take Care
Eileen and Chris and your families, Patrice and I send our deepest condolences. I have many fond memories of my time together with Gerhard especially during our McGill Chem Eng days. And am inspired by Gerhard’s fighting spirit and positive attitude in the face of great adversity, enabled by his family’s support and love. I will dig out The Chem Eng Wizard T-shirt Gerhard designed so many years ago and wear it in his honour.
Emilie, Chris and Cindie,
We are deeply sorry for your loss. Know we are thinking of you and wishing you peace, comfort and strength to get through this difficult time.
Our sincere condolences
Emilie, Cindie and Chris, please accept our deepest sympathies for your family loss. Take heart
Chris & Cindi,
Sorry to hear of your loss, My deepest condolences to you both and the family
Our sincere condolences to the Leopold family and especially to our dear friends Chris, Cindie and Emilie for the loss of Gerhard. Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time. May his memory be eternal.
Hi Chris and Cindie, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My deepest condolences go out to you and your family.
I am sorry for your loss my condolences.
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. My deepest condolences to the the Leopold and Galiger families.
Hi Chris, I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your brother. My deepest condolences go out to you and your family.
Grief is all the love you want to give but can’t anymore. I’m heartbroken for your loss. Please accept my sincerest condolences. AndreiD
So sorry for your loss Chris. May your brothers soul rest in eternal piece. Condolences to the family.
To the Leopold and Galiger family.
My deepest condolences. Praying for you all.
We are deeply saddened to hear about the passing of your brother. We can only imagine the pain and sorrow you must be feeling right now. There are no words that can ease the pain of losing someone you love dearly, but please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.
Although we never had the privilege of meeting your brother, we are sure he was an amazing person who brought joy and happiness into your lives. We hope that in time, you will find comfort in your fond memories of him and the love that you shared.
May his soul rest in peace.
Please know that we are here for you whenever you need a listening ear. We are sending you all our love and strength to help you get through this tough time.
With deepest sympathy,
Chris, just heartbreaking news and our deepest condolences from all of us