Sandra Maxine Carley was born June 6th 1941 to Marguerite and Merald Carley in Saskatoon, SK. Sandra and her older brother Don and family moved to Edmonton in 1950, where Sandra graduated from Bonnie Doon High School in 1960. Sandra was an accomplished athlete with many accolades in basketball, swimming, hockey, curling, baseball and her beloved golf. Sandra graduated from the Royal Alexandra Nursing School in 1964 and has been incredibly involved with the Hospital Alumni and Foundation ever since. She’s held many estemmed positions including being a Head Nurse in Pediatrics, Supervisor in Emergency and ICU, and finished her career in Planning where Sandra was vital in the RA Hospital expansion. She also holds a Diploma in Hospital Administration from the University of Saskatoon. She worked in California and travelled extensively over the years including trips to Hawaii, Ontario to visit Don and family and Mexico for her niece’s wedding. Sandra was President of her own Condo Board, valued member of the Alumni Association and Long Term Care Association as well as several non-profits. Sandra’s life was one of purpose, kindness, thoughtfulness and duty; enriching her life was her many nursing friendships. From an early age she assumed responsibilities for others and continued that commitment for others to the very end of her life. Loved by Don (Marilynn) Carley, nieces Chantelle (Allan), Andree (Clint), great-nieces and nephews Noah, Isabelle, Ben, Katie, Griffin and Bodhi. Sandra’s light shines bright within all of us.
May you Rest In Peace Sandy. Have a happy trip to our Creator
Sandra will be greatly missed by many, especially her family, friends, and nursing classmates. She was a pillar of strength and support for all, for many years. Sandy was committed to arranging fabulous nursing reunions and recording/preserving it’s history. These reunions were enjoyed by many devoted classmates.
Sandra’s straight forward approach to life, was one of her greatest assets and she will be sorely missed.
Thank you for being you Sandra!
You enriched our lives ! We will miss you.
Class “64”
Sandra’s life was one of service, compassion, diligence and respect for the needs of others. From an early age, she assumed responsibilities far greater than those of her peers. To her very end, she put others before herself; family meant everything to Sandra.
A proud graduate of the Royal Alexandra Hospital School of Nursing, Sandra dedicated her life to preserving the history and records of the nursing classes, and to the very end of her life meticulously updated its records for posterity. For fifty years, she ran the class reunions and it gave her great joy to see her nursing sisters.
I met Sandra in grade eight at McDougall School. An outstanding athlete from an early age, she went on to achieve athletic awards in high school. Sandra attended all of the five year class reunions held to celebrate the birthdays of her McDougall classmates, and she was a spirited and talented golfer at their annual golf tournament. Connections with childhood friends resonated with her, and she made it a priority in her life.
Through the pandemic and in failing health, an undaunted Sandra continued to assist others, assume responsibility for the multiple condo complexes as Board Chair, and still find the time to cheer others in her admirable just get on with it style!
Sandra’s life was purposeful, meaningful and admirable. I will miss our hilarious phone conversations and her no nonsense take on life. Hers was a life well lived. I was fortunate to have her as a friend.
Sorry and her birthday is June 16th.
Sorry Aunty Sandy graduated Bonnie Doon High School 1958