In loving memory of Thomas Muench, who passed away
peacefully on February 27, 2024, at the age of 62.
Survived by his loving wife Gaby Jegelka, who spent 44 years by his side. Proud father of Erik and Tessa Jegelka, along with son in law Jay Ouellette.
Survived by his stepmother Gitti Anders-Muench and siblings, Edmund, Christa, Conny and Judith with their partners. Nieces and nephews, Matthias, Christoph, Irma, and Ulla.
Thomas grew up in Germany and immigrated to Canada with his wife and kids in 2004. He was a master cabinet maker and pipe organ builder. Thomas had the innate ability to make those around him laugh even in the darkest of times. His humour and good nature among many other things will be dearly missed by those that knew him. He touched many lives in Germany and Canada with his love of playing music, his goofy nature, and his woodworking ability.
Thomas was a dedicated father and husband who always provided a safe space and
loving atmosphere. Over the last few years Thomas fought the biggest of battles for his health with a continuously good attitude and a smile on his face. Ready to take on any challenge ahead. He inspires us all to look on the bright side each day and live life with a bit of humour.
Second only to his family, his big love was music. Thomas was an exceptional drummer and played in many bands over the last 50 years. He had a great appreciation for all styles of music and could play something on nearly any musical instrument. His love of learning served him well in every facet of his life. Thomas was respected as a man of integrity and honesty both in his personal and professional life. He was both versatile and incredibly skilled. A true jack of all trades. There was nothing he couldn’t master when setting his mind to it. Thomas loved his job and those he worked with. He delighted in his many
innovative projects and was constantly trying to make processes more efficient. He was the go-to guy in the neighbourhood, always eager to help out.
Thomas was a natural adventurer and explorer, whether navigating the woods or
exploring music of all styles. He embraced life with great enthusiasm. Thomas leaves us with a legacy of courage and curiosity, so may he continue to inspire us. His warmth, wisdom, humour, and kindness will be greatly missed by all who had the privilege of knowing him.
Thomas is dearly missed by his family and his loyal canine companion, Oakley.
May he rest peacefully, surrounded by the love in our hearts.
A Celebration of Life for Thomas will be held on March 15, 2024 in Spruce Grove.
In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation in memory of Thomas.
Suggestions from his family:
Cosmopolitan Music Society
Light Up Your Life Society
Heart and Stroke Foundation

Lieber Thomas,
Dein weggang aus Unser mitte hinterlässt bleibenden Schmerz in unseren Herzen.
We had a great time at secondary school – lots of fun and really deep friendship. Music was always our dominating topic; in the school band and I never forget our backstage ekseption concert in Trier.
I’m sure you will bring Rhythm into heaven
Keep well my friend
Mein tiefstes Beileid gilt der gesamten Familie von Tom.
Ich habe Tom während der Pandemie durch die Musik kennengelernt, er war ein beeindruckender Schlagzeuger, und ein unglaublich liebenswürdiger und humorvoller Mensch. Es war immer ein großes Vergnügen mit Ihm zu reden und zu musizieren.
Mich hat die Nachricht von seinem Ableben sehr getroffen und ich werde Ihn so sehr vermissen.
Hello Gabby,
I’m so sorry about Thomas and wish you and your family all the best from mine on this truly sad occasion.
I noticed the picture of Che on the wall in the studio Thomas was playing in. Not sure if that was his picture, I bought a book in Cuba on Fidel and Che published by Cuban publishers and it’s actually one of my favourites so I was just wondering if he had been interested in that part of history.
Offering deepest condolence on your loss. May the many year of fond memories bring comfort during these challenging times.
Don’t remember me with sadness,
Don’t remember me with tears,
Remember all the laughter,
We’ve shared throughout all the years.
So please don’t be unhappy,
Just because I’m out of sight,
Remember that I’m with you,
Each morning, noon and night.
Don’t cry for me today,
I wouldn’t want it this way.
Thomas, you are missed so much! We grew up together in our little village of Schalkenmehren. Born 2 weeks apart 10 meters away from each other, went to school together, learned how to swim in our beautiful lake. Went to the disco together and every move in our lives brought us together again. I was over the moon when Thomas, Gaby, Tessa and Erik moved to Spruce Grove in 2004, on one of the coldest days we all ever experienced. A big part of my home country and Eifel area came back to me. I enjoyed every minute we were able to speak in our home slang, made tons of jokes and had a lot of laughter. We all went through thick and thin, good and difficult times and managed to stay friends – Thank you for this!
I sincerely thank Gaby, Erik, Tessa and Jay for opening their house and hearts allowing everyone to visit Thomas in these difficult times, this was not easy for all of you and is greatly appreciated!
Jutta & Victor
Dear Gaby Tessa Jay Eric!
That Thomas had to go so young is unfair and an unimaginable loss.
He was like a Rock in the Surf.
Good memories during the last 40 years to keep in my heart.
We Wish much strength and courage at this very difficult time.
Birgit and Fred Westerwald
I will always remember Thomas as a happy person, who loved his family and life. It’s been a long time since we last saw each other but you are still part of our life. I send you, Gaby, the biggest hug, and wish you strength. My deepest condolences to your kids and the rest of the family and your dog. I would love to be there for you, if you want me to.
Reinhard & Antje Bonse
March 13th, 2024
There are some who brings
so grate to the world
that even after they have gone
their light remains
Our condolences to you, Gaby, and your family.
My most sincere condolences to the entire family, friends and acquaintances. Thomas was truly a valued member of the Edmonton and surrounding area music community. He will be deeply missed by all that had the incredible opportunity to meet or know him.
My deepest sympathies to you and your family Gaby I often think of the times when he played in the band in spruce grove I will try to make it Friday but we have a family issue if I can’t I will come and see you soon stay strong and take care talk to u soon
It saddens me to hear of Thomas’ death. We were in the same year at the Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium in Daun. As youngsters, we naturally saw each other at the Backstuw. The last time I met him was at the Daun funfair and we had a long conversation. Years later, classmates told me that Thomas emigrated to Canada. I remember him as a friendly, enthusiastic and committed person. It’s a pity that he had to leave this earth so soon. I imagine he is now delighting people in heaven with his music. Rest in peace, Thomas. My condolences to his family and friends who have lost a loved one from their midst.
Liebe Gabi, auch wenn wir uns nur sehr kurz kennenlernen konnten, möchte ich dir mein herzliches Beileid ausdrücken. Ich weiß was es bedeutet den geliebten Ehemann und Vater zu verlieren. Ich drück‘ dich aus der Ferne und wünsche dir ganz viel Kraft für die kommende Zeit. Alles Gute.
Always in my heart, my beats, my tom-a-diddles, single- and doublestrokes. I beat them with you.
Danke, dass du mehr als nur mein Freund warst.
My deepest condolences to Gaby, Tessa, Jay and Erik.
I am deeply saddened by the loss of my former boss. He was not just a boss, but also a mentor and a friend. Their kindness and guidance will be greatly missed. May his soul rest in peace Thomas and may deepest condolences to Gaby, Tessa and Erik. I wish his family a lot of strength to in this difficult time.
Deepest condolences to the family and friends of Thomas. We met in the dog park years ago. Thomas was well known and liked by all – he knew all the people and dogs names by heart. I know the large community of dog walking people share my sentiments. My son’s dog Ruby to this day loved Thomas very much. Walking together lead to becoming friends with him and his family – and a glorious hike up Coliseum Mountain in Nordegg one day together. The dog park community and I will miss Thomas’s stories and humour. May Gaby, Erik and family and friends find comfort and peace in the loving memories of Thomas.
Begleitest du einen Freund auch tausend Meilen weit,einmal heißt es Abschied nehmen.
Danke , dass ich das Glück hatte einige Jahre dein Freund zu sein.
Wolfgang Pfahl
I wanna love you
And treat you right
I wanna love you
Every day and every night
Bob Marley
R.I.P. my dear friend. You and Gaby have always been in my heart, even if we lost each other over the years. Thank you for amazing trips, lots of giggling and deep conversations.
A wonderful, humorous person with many talents has passed away.Thomas loved to speak in our Eifel-dialect and always had strong ties to the Eifel, even when he was far away. We laughed a lot together. His positive attitude and his talent for inspiring people will live on in our hearts. It is so sad that he had to leave us so early. My deepest condolences to Gaby, Tessa, Jay and Erik. I wish his family a lot of strength to bear this great loss. The beautiful memories will comfort you.
Your husband and father was a remarkable person and I feel privileged to have gotten to know him on the virtual music platform we shared. Tom’s laughter, kindness and flawless drummin’ will continue to accompany us and make us smile.
I already miss him very much.
With heartfelt sympathy and love,
Vielen Dank Thom für die schöne Zeit als Bandkollege und Freund. Danke für die “schien Knöppeltjesmusik” und den herrlichen Blödsinn und Spaß den ich mit dir haben durfte. Es war musikalisch und persönlich immer ein Verstehen ohne viele Worte! Musik Was My First Love! Maach et jood Thom!
Mein geliebter Patenonkel wird mir immer im Gedächtnis bleiben. Tom hatte einen einzigartigen Humor, der mich immer zum Lachen brachte. Oft denke ich an die Silvesterabende in der Eifel zurück und auch an meinen Aufenthalt in Kanada, die mir vieles für mein weiteres Leben mitgegeben haben. Hätte mich das Schicksal je schwer getroffen, so weiss ich, dass Thomas und seine Familie mich ohne zu zögern wärmstens aufgenommen hätten.
Ein guter Mensch ist zu früh von uns gegangen. Ich wünsche den Hinterbliebenen nur das Beste.
Dear Thomas,
I wish you a lot of sunshine, a permanent blue sky, a nice scent of beautiful nature, now and then a tasteful beer, the best music ever written. Good luck on your new way above the clouds, while always having a happy view for your family.
Everbody misses you!
Lieber Thomas, hier bist Du auch in guter Erinnerung geblieben. Ich schicke warme Grüßen an deine Familie: Gaby & Kindern, Petra
Our world has had to say goodbye to an amazing and talented man. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Thomas will be fondly remembered by all of us. His always open nature, his joy of life, his social side, his constant friendliness and his humor will remain unforgotten. We wish Gaby, his beloved wife, his beloved children and all of his relatives the strength to get over his death. Dear Thomas: Rest in peace
Wolfgang and the listeners of “Backstuw Radio Daun”
My dearest condolences from a former neighbor from Schalkenmehren. Thomas was my main source for the schoolbooks and lots of fun when his band played at events. I will never forget his sense of humor and his kindness. We used to play in the wilderness with bonfires. He is leaving so many good memories behind.
Thomas hat unsere Hochzeit mit seiner Musik bereichert. Als junge Leute haben wir die Konzerte seiner damaligen Band geliebt. Dauner Kirmes wäre ohne ihn nicht das gewesen, was sie war. Unvergesslich die Abschiedsfeier bevor er mit seiner Familie nach Kanada ausgewandert ist. Schon dieser Abschied war nicht leicht.
Liebe Gaby, Tessa und Eric, wir mochten Thomas sehr und es tut uns sehr leid, dass ihr nicht mehr Zeit mit ihm hattet. Sicher werden seine liebenswerten Eigenschaften in Euch weiter leben.
Herzliche Grüße Claudia, Lothar, Hannah und Jana
My deepest condolences to Gaby and the family. I think the first time Thomas and I met and played music together was in 1975, and the last time was here in Los Angeles, when he came to visit us. Thomas was a wonderful person and one of the best drummers I had the pleasure to play with. During my own battle with cancer, around 1990, Thomas suggested at the ‘Backstuw’ to start a band together, and we did. We played in this band for several years, basically until I decided to move to the US in 1997. He was always an amazing friend and I am still trying to understand that he is gone. I’ll see you when I see you, my friend.
Auf diesem Wege möchten auch wir uns von Thomas verabschieden. Er war mein Cousin und hat auf unserer Hochzeit für eine tolle Stimmung mit seiner Musik gesorgt, das war vor 36 Jahren. Er wird uns immer als toller Mensch mit seinem Humor und seiner positiven Einstellung in Erinnerung bleiben. Alles Liebe für die Familie von Brigitte und Marcus Krebs aus der alten Heimat Vulkaneifel.
Dear Gabi, No one can prepare you for a loss. It comes like a swift wind. However, take comfort in knowing that Thomas is now resting in the arms of our Lord. My deepest condolences to you, Erik and Tessa.
I met Thomas on JAMKAZAM and played with him from a thousand miles away – for a year on and off – got to know him, his humor, and his musicianship. Great guy, great drummer, and very German in a silly way. He LOOKS like he sounds, which is not always the case. Humble but confident. Meticulous in his attention to detail, stubborn while being nice, very quick mind… I will miss him.
My deepest condolences to Gaby, Erik,Tessa, Gitti and the extended family.
My experience of Tom was through music during the pandemic, he was always professional which I highly appreciated. I also recorded on 2 songs he collaborated on through a mutual musician friend Annie. My heart is heavy from this news. Godspeed!